Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hollywood Burns at News of Braces

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Friday, March 30, 2007

The Countdown to the Beginning of the End...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Piña Colada Impressions

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Today I gave the down payment for my little 'adventure.' So, when given the choice of impression flavors at 9 in the morning, of course I went with the piña colada flavor. My review of the piña colada flavor? Two big thumbs down. I was incorrectly given the impression that this piña colada would come with alcohol. For all you future wired ladies and fellows...stick with the standard bubblegum. When the putty sticks to your face and you're completely sober, you will at least be reminded of hot summer days chewing watermelon-flavored Bubblicious.

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Day One of The Battle Before Braces...having 4 cavaties filled before work. Hello, Novocain!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Beginning

The decision has been made to suck it up and get braces. It's a long story but all you really need to know is, I had braces when I was younger, my jaw decided to grow 3 centimeters to the left, and now because of the chronic headaches, jaw pain, earaches, and neck pain at the age of 24, the time has come to stop ignoring the situation and do something about it.

For anyone who knows me, I know what you're thinking..."Stephanie, it can't possibly be that simple?" And yes, you are correct. The life of Stephanie always includes some sort of strange twist, turn, degree of irritation/annoyance (although usually humorous) but always apparent. The real kicker is...I not only have to suffer in braces for an undisclosed about of time, I also have to have surgery on my FACE to fix the situation. I won't go into the details at this moment because quite frankly, I myself will throw up if I have to think about it. For the time being all you need to know is...

Yes, I have to get braces. Yes, I will be an adult with braces. Yes, you can call me the real-life Ugly Betty. And yes, my life is now over as I know it.

As nerdy as this sounds, the only way I can think to get through this ordeal (or 'adventure' as my mother likes to call it) is to join the rest of the world and start a blog. Basically, I need some way to document the hilarity that will surely ensure.

So sit back, relax, and welcome to the life of Wired Lady.