Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waaaay Better Than Birthdays!

I have to be honest, I tried not to think about the day I was scheduled to get my braces off because I really didn't think it was going to happen.

Oh and you know what, it almost didn't (soooo my life). So, on Thursday, Steve met me at the ortho for the 'big day' with his camcorder in hand...and we waited. They took the wires out...and then decided to put them back in! Back and forth...back and forth. Apparently, a bottom tooth moved and the doc was trying to force it back. Fiiinally, it was time...they took the top ones off first...than when the tooth on the bottom had moved -- they uninstalled the bottoms. I totally forgot how much getting your braces off hurt -- a lot of yanking that is not so very all.

But then...once they were off -- it was a magical day!!! Better than any birthday imaginable. I got this fantastic gift basket of goodies from the ortho's office -- including lots of gummy things...and a special framed certificate (that now hangs in my office) that says "Congrats Ortho Student you Have Graduated!!!"....

...sadly that bottle is non-alcoholic. Then I go to work...and I find out my parents sent me flowers!!!....

All day long people are saying " you look beautiful" and ya di da di da....they don't do THAT on your birthday!-- crazy!! And....people give Mike & Ikes and gummy Life Savers as gifts....sooo goood!!

And then lots and lots of celebrating!! Everyone wants to have a margarita with me!

If you still have your braces on...just you wait -- it's a day like no other -- I really had never thought about it -- but it was fantastic!!!

Thanks to everyone for your such kind's an amazing feeling of being loved.

...Did I mention I was crying on the way to the ortho's office when I was going to get them off? What an emotional journey -- I couldn't believe I had survived. I was more emotional when I got my braces off than when I graduated from college...what a ride.


Avy said...

Hi there. I have been reading through your blog and wanted to say how great it is to hear about another persons journey! I am in the process of getting braces and having SARPE (eek!) I just wanted to say that you look great and its good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

StefheartsYou said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you - and insanely jealous! Enjoy your new braceless self!

nabukay said...

but seriously the only person that would have such a huge party is you. maybe i should copy the link of your post to everyone i know so they do the same for me. how come you cried? wow you inspired me to totally have a ball when their off in june!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw im so jealous my gets of in about 11 months buti have to you are so inspirational to all Bracers out there ^_^ I guess i have to keep up to see the results :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaah I cannot tell you how much I loved your blog!!! Literally everything you have written about I was like THAT'S ME TOO! I'm only 17 so not quite as bad as you but I've had braces for about 4 years now and who would have thought they would cause so much drama and annoyance and break-downs in my life! I have found this so funny, I know exactly how you feel going to an appointment every time trying to convince myself that my teeth are straight and thinking 'oh maybe she will take them a surprise?!'. Hahaha obviously never happened but I still carried on like this even when she told me the date I was getting them off (24TH AUGUST YESSSSSS THATS LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!). I have been so close to just asking to have them off early so many times, even up until about a month ago, but now I've seen how there is always more that can be done to make them EVEN more perfect, I realised it is worth it after all! Especially looking at your last pictures because you look amazing!!!! It really makes such a difference and now I always notice everyone's bad teeth hehehe, your Michelle Obama post made me laugh!! Also the one about 'when do you get your braces off?' 'I. DON'T KNOW. OKAY.' Hahahhhaha I am SOOOOO excited not to have to deal with any of this!
Ok I will stop now, sorry about the massive essay your blog just got me VERY excited :) and just wanted to let you know that I appreciated it a lot haha :) Congratulations! X

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