Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sad Donkey

For some reason, the rubber band bag of bands I am currently using has a sad donkey on the side of it. I have a few thoughts on this...
  1. Why would the manufacturers of ortho rubber bands decide a donkey, let alone a sad donkey, would be appropriate to put on the side of a bag?
  2. Aren't donkeys known for their horrendous teeth?
  3. Sort of ironic that this is my rubber band bag at this stage in the game.
Back at the ortho on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

in your last note, you indicated your wires aren't coming off anytime soon. what does the good ortho doc say about when you can get your metal removed?inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Dontchaknow! That's a sad ass bag of elastics ;)

I'm cute, popular and rich and looking for a rich Jewish man to marry. I'm Melanie Goldberg of Beverly Hills, California 90210

Tania said...

Strangely enough my elastics are called bummer.. I found it quite appropriate, hopefully I get the Donkey's next. I feel like the ortho elastic manufacturers have a couple little inside jokes going on ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I hope this time is it. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

For christsakes wired lady.....that fool, Melanie Goldberg, that Jewish Mrs. gold digger is at it again.
WTF, what is she doing lurking on a braces-related blog. Oi vey....Melanie, Melanie, get a life...or at least some "real" metal braces. Invisalign will simply not cut it.
Sadie, Long island, NY

Rachel H said...

I'm ready for an update! what's the news???

Anonymous said...

Any luck? What are they waiting for your teeth to do?

Thomas said...

I desperately want a bag of sad donkey elastics.

James Kartan said...
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