Saturday, November 24, 2007

Braces Attend Boardman Reunion

Last night was the big Boardman High 10-Year Reunion . Wired Lady brought the braces and, I'd like to think, brought some fun. Below are a few observations from attending my first-ever class reunion of a boyfriend who lives in the great state of Ohio.

1. Boxed wine and beer only = classy reunion
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And really, I was fine with this. What does this say about me?

2. Swing dancers exist at all high schools.
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3. Fun was found at the Maronite Center, diversity was not.
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4. Ohioans know the Cupid Shuffle, not Souljah Boy.
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Surprising, I thought.

5. Dental basket raffle giveaways rock!
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6. Wired Lady didn't win.
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But Steve did! Seriously, who else would have wanted that basket?! The biatch who won my basket totally didn't need it.

7. Know the rules of Ohio before attending.
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8. I would not have made the Boardman HS football team thanks to the size of my head - yet again, my handicap.
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9. School spirit was in attendance.
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10. Wires were not. Wired Lady = only wired adult at pre-party, party, and after-party.
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Michelle said...

I've noticed...the WIRED LADY does NOT miss a party! How Kewl! I think I am going to have to start searching for some more entertainment in my life. It seems all I do is sit at the ballpark, cook dinner and transport kids to and fro school!! (Oh..I do Luv it) BUT...I think I may need to get out! I shall begin to work on this! and if I do, I will bring my camera, just like the Wired Lady!

Tara said...

WOW, they actually had a basket with dental stuff??? The winner SO should have given it to you, seeing the wires and all!

It looks like you had a good time. My 10 year reunion was the same day... but I didn't go. Oh well. It looks like you had enough fun for the both of us!

Thanks for making me smile everytime I read your blog!

~ Tara