Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Turkey Day In Support of Wires

Is anyone else ready for Thanksgiving? I AM! At lunch today I was drooling over the idea of having a turkey dinner for lunch. I almost did it but...I told myself, better to wait. Ugh. When the hell did I get will power?! Oooooh that's right, I chose a macaroni & cheese instead.

Unlike Halloween, Thanksgiving is definitely a day that favors braces. Can you think of one thing you can't EAT? Turkey - GO! Mashed potatoes - GO! Stuffing - GO! Pumpkin Pie - DOUBLE GO! Green Bean Casserole (my absolute FAV) - TRIPLE GO!
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Is it next Thursday yet???! Wired Lady is ready to feast! At the table, hope I will find floss next to my name card.


Tara said...

Ahhh, Thanksgiving dinner! I can't wait either. I still don't have the "green light" to chew, but luckily most of the foods are soft, so I can mush them on the roof of my mouth. I will have to remember to bring my chopper to my sisters to chop up that turkey! Ok, I'm ready for next Thursday now too!

chris k said...

Me too Tara! I'm looking forward to having a bowl of blended gravy and stuffing. And there is no way I'm missing out on the green bean casserole, even if it's more like soup.

Michelle said...

Oh yeah, Im on that green bean casserole too...why do we wait all year to get green bean casserole? I just love it but only get it on Thanksgiving. And the stuffing, oh my, last year I made stuffing balls. They were FAB-U-LICIOUS, you put Cranberry Sauce in them too...watch out...YUM YUM

Steph & Steve G said...

Thanks, Michelle. I am BEYOND hungry now.