Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Head Hurts

Originally I thought for the weekend before surgery I would host a big "Last Night of Food, Fun current Face" party. Now that I am at that weekend, the whole thing is just...sad. It just doesn't seem like something to really, celebrate.

The anxiety and the waiting and the stress and everything else has been building up and today I officially hit my rock bottom -- at the orthodontist's office (of course).

I get there and at first am happy to meet a fellow Wired Lady awaiting surgery in reception. But then...I am waiting and waiting and freaking out because I am YET AGAIN out of the office and my boss is going to kick me to the curb. Then, the doctor finally comes over and it's as if she has no idea what's going on. It's like no one knew when my surgery date was or when the last time I saw the oral surgeon or what adjustments needed to be made. I was not happy...but instead of yelling...I just started to...cry. I don't know why (it's not even that time of the month) but I just am so sick of fighting this and dealing with it and it's like no one is batting for me. Is it too much to ask for the ortho to know what I am there for before I sit in the chair? Literally, I walked out without a THING being changed. I didn't even get my bands replaced -- which is what I really wanted.


The good news is, I did have a very happy ending to my day. I open the mail, expecting insurance bills, but instead find two McDonald's gift cards from...McDonalds Corp.! Thank you Lori Miller in U.S. Communications who apparently, enjoys that I communicate the love of Mickey D's vanilla cones and braces!


Aimee said...

Hey Steph, when is your surgery scheduled??

Wired Lady said...
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Wired Lady said...

whoops...typo...March Saturday.

katieck said...

I don't even know you but I feel your pain. I found your blog off of i have upper jaw surgery on monday, i know your pain with the tears in the office(mine was the OS's office though, in the waiting room)and I too am taste testing all my future liquid "foods". And I am 20, second round of braces. Good luck and I was told to get a sippy cup for drinking..I don't know if that will be useful but i am going to give it a go.

laura said...

I understand the tears too. After a surgery a while back I had to go in for the 1 week checkup and the doctor was delayed somehow. I sat in the waiting room for 3 hours, until finally the people who arrived 30 mins after me were summoned in. I burst into tears right there.

I guess sometimes you don't realize how stressed out you are until suddenly you find yourself sobbing in public.

Aimee said...

Oh wow, I didn't know they do surgeries on a weekend. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great and I can't wait to hear all about it!

Wired Lady said...

Thanks to all for your support!